How to get more quality visits to your medical center’s website?

healthcare SEO services

We are sure that you take care of the physical environment of your clinic. You have done everything to make the reception, the consultations, the signage, and the decoration perfect. Do you pay the same attention to the image that your center projects in the online environment?

Offering a professional, modern website that attracts visitors should be one of your clinic’s priorities. In this article, we show you the key aspects that you must consider to have a website that gets more quality visits. And we tell you how you can convert those visitors into patients who book appointments online.

Does your website have a good content structure?

Having a good information architecture is paramount when it comes to having a website for your center. A poorly structured website can result in a loss of positioning in Google.

“A poorly structured website can result in a loss of SEO positioning, which leads to less visibility of your site.”

For a web page to be well structured, we must put ourselves in the user’s place and create a really useful space for those visits that come to the web. If the content is relevant and clear to the user, Google robots will consider that your center’s website is useful. Besides, it will be better positioned when performing a search.

Some tips to improve the structure of a website:

  • Create a horizontal web structure with a maximum of 3 levels. This will make the page easier for Google bots to crawl and index.
  • Work on internal links to improve user navigability and make Google’s tasks easier.
  • Put the most important content on the most visible pages. Your clinic’s website should have easy access to online appointment booking or, if you don’t have this possibility, contact details.

Optimize SEO to increase your positioning

Google’s rules to decide which pages are relevant and which are not are constantly changing. That’s why a website optimized 5 years ago could hardly meet the requirements that the Internet search engine now demands to be well-positioned.

Google robots are becoming more and more useful in determining whether a web page is useful and relevant to a user who has done a specific search. So, we can say that if a page is useful and user-friendly, then Google will like it.

Even so, there are certain aspects beyond what the user sees that are key to achieving better positioning:

  • Perform a search for keywords by which you want users to find your website. For Example, “Best dental clinic” or “Best Gynecological clinic.” These keywords should appear in the content of your page, especially in the titles, subtitles, and URL.
  • Improve page load speed. Google, like users, does not like slow websites. This can be achieved by reducing the weight of images or videos.
  • Adapt the design to be suitable for all devices. It is a reality: users already browse more with their mobiles than with a computer.
  • Make sure your page URLs are user-friendly.
  • Complete meta-descriptions with relevant content and work on rich snippets
  • Don’t forget about page appearance.
  • In addition to working on the written content and the structure of the web, it is imperative that you take care of the aesthetics of your clinic page. Moreover, to play with corporate colors, we give you other tips that will make the website look professional:
  • Make white predominate. White is associated with peace, neatness, and healing in color psychology. A good secondary color for healthcare websites is blue.

Leave spaces on your website.

These visual pauses allow the user to better process the information, which improves the site’s usability (and therefore the SEO).

Supplement written content with images and videos. 

Humans attach great importance to graphic content, so your center’s website must have quality photos and videos that convey the brand image and values ​​of the clinic. To get this type of resource, we recommend:

Videos and photos of your quality clinic.

A professional can help you take photos and videos of the facility or staff of the right quality.

Stock Images:

You can complement the graphic content of your center with photos from image banks on the Internet. Some websites offer this type of content for free, such as Pexels, and others with a large repository of paid images, such as iStock and Shutterstock.

Taking care of the aesthetics of your medical center website will allow you to have a quality online site that transmits confidence to the users who visit it. 

Offer online appointment booking.

Did you know that 30% of users seek information about health, medical centers, and specialists outside of business hours? For this reason, having online appointment booking will allow you to be available 24 hours a day for those patients who want to arrange a visit over the Internet with the specialists at your center.

On your website, you must make it clear that you offer the possibility of online booking. So, we recommend putting a button on the main menu that is always visible to the user. This button can take you to a page showing the availability of your specialists. It allows users to choose the date and time that suits them best.


In this article, we have seen some of the key points you should know to have a quality website for your medical center. Because a good website can attract users and encourages them to take action, we are looking to: book an appointment online with one of the specialists at the clinic. We have talked about the importance of having a good content structure, improving the online visibility of the center by working on the SEO of the website, complementing the page with a good design, and adding quality videos and photos.

All these modifications on the website are intended to attract more users and make them become patients, thanks to the possibility of booking an appointment online. Choose a reliable professional if you want to enhance the traffic to your healthcare website. Our healthcare SEO services will help you improve your ranking on SERPs and boost your ROI.

I hope this article has helped you improve the visibility and conversion of your professional website!

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