Tips to promote your healthcare facility through Healthcare (Content) Marketing

healthcare marketing agency

Traffic to your website, blog, and social media platforms is an opportunity to convert customers into potential paying patients. However, there must be constant traffic.

What was the latest interesting content you read on the web? Was it an e-book, a blog, a social media post, or a newsletter? Or did it pop up while you were googling for something else? Whichever way you found it, this is a real-time example of how big and vital promoting optimized content is and how it works.

Content promotion is often done in three areas:

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO),
  2. Social media marketing,
  3. And email marketing.

Not all content works on all social media channels. But you can promote your content simultaneously through multi-channel communication.

There are three methods of promoting content in which to share information about your healthcare facility:

Owned media: These are the platforms you own, such as your website and blog. These channels give initial exposure to your health content.

Earned Media: People would like to interact with social networks after displaying your content on proprietary channels. This commitment will lead to organic (non-paid) exposure to your health content.

Paid Media: In the vast social media landscape, your content is likely to be seen by a small percentage of your target audience. You need to pay for content exposure through advertising to gain additional exposure.

Why connect with your target audience? 

Imagine you post your content on your medical website, but your target customers can never see it. It means you never being able to sell your services to the people who need them most. How disappointing would that be? It is said that when it comes to Healthcare Marketing content, we need to create less and promote more.

You can get your message across to the target audience by promoting content. Besides, content promotion helps you cultivate relationships that turn patients into brand ambassadors. Content promotion and the success of your medical practice go hand in hand!

In summary, content promotion:

  • Attract visitors to your website;
  • Enhance patient engagement by becoming an ambassador for your facility;
  • Help prospective patients select your practice over competitors.

Tips to optimize your Healthcare Marketing Strategy with Social Media

Let’s see together the best practices in promoting content:

  • Start with your mailing list

Start with your existing followers. The patients subscribed to your mailing list. If your target audience or followers are sympathetic to the content, they could share it on social networks and spread the word about your health business.

Most healthcare professionals agree that email is one of the most effective forms of reaching a target audience. How can you ensure subscribers open your emails and click calls to action (CTAs)?

To increase conversions, use the following tips:

  • Write a captivating subject. Shorter subject lines often lead to higher open rates.
  • Personalize your email also using dedicated emoticons or themed gifs. It is said that when emails are personalized, conversion rates improve significantly.
  • Make sure your emails don’t go to your spam folder. Don’t use spammy words like sale, bargain, discount, promotion, etc.
  • Manage the editorial calendar of your posts on social networks.

Since most of the adult population has at least one social media account, promoting your content on these platforms makes sense. However, knowing when to post will make your healthcare marketing strategy on social media more effective than posting randomly throughout the day.

  • Promote your business through Influencer Marketing

Influencers are people or celebrities considered experts and whose voices and opinions are heard.

Contact local influencers in your industry or speciality when you post specific content. It is vital precedence as long as they are trendy and proactive in interacting with their followers. And ask them to be mentioned in the textual posts. In this way, their followers can quickly connect to your healthcare facility.

Following are some tips to help you choose and work with influencers:

  • Identify your ideal character by defining his personality, skill/gender, type of follower, reach, and topics he talks about in social media posts;
  • Find your influencer by researching hashtags and citations on social media. Remember, if these people like your services or products, they will much more easily recommend them to their followers;
  • Contact your potential influencer to request a quote. Tell them about your medical service, and have you describe how they intend to move to promote your business.
  • Create interesting captions

Because content promotion is all about building relationships. Post-writing is one of the effective ways to boost engagement with prospective patients at your facility.

  • Write short and interesting captions and alternate images with short videos. (For Facebook, it is 3 minutes max, while for Instagram, 60 seconds max).
  • Use a few hashtags (we recommend that you use a maximum of 30 so as not to overload the post);
  • Involve people by asking questions (Call to action);
  • Tag the place to reach more people near you;
  • Use time as a creative tool when creating content for Instagram Stories.
  • Use hashtags, places, and photos where people have tagged you to find pictures and videos from your company that other people have posted on Instagram. Like or leave a comment on these posts to interact with people who have expressed interest in your healthcare facility;
  • Always establish the (consistent) reference hashtags for a given campaign or activity;
  • Moreover, interact with your community to develop a relationship with your followers and potential customers.

Instagram is the most relevant demonstration of this dynamic, with no special use of text in posts because it is not indexed. The only way to index a post is to insert hashtags in the long run. It is only possible to search for “content” with previous searches by indicating these and the geographical location.


There is no single-size formula for promoting health content. Strategies for implementing health practices may vary depending on the geography, target audience, and characteristics. Just try all of the methods outlined above, and see what works to facilitate your healthcare. After that, do more by analyzing your target audience data. You’ll find the best formula for achieving systematic results through your personal healthcare marketing strategy.

For a content promotion strategy to succeed, you must strive to increase your promotion efforts. Creating valuable content is one of the most critical parts of your endeavor. However, medical organizations often overlook the essence of publicity, making their content viral. For this, you can also hire the services of our Healthcare Digital Marketing Agency. Feel free to call us to improve the relevancy of your content as well as enhance your brand reach.

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